Love Is The Drog 2025 Subscriber Survey
Before the new season proper kicks into gear, take part in our short survey so we can get a better sense of what you're liking and what you're not when you read or listen to LITD.
This week marks one year since we launched Love Is The Drog. It’s been a 12-months Drogheda United supporters will cherish forever and always. Obviously, we had no idea at the time what 2024 would bring but as it transpired, we couldn’t have picked a better year to launch our Substack.
We’ve loved making it and hopefully you’ve loved reading and listening to it. Subscriber feedback is crucial. That’s why we’ve put together a very short subscriber survey for you below, to help us gauge best what’s working, what’s not, what we can improve on and what is so perfect, it doesn’t require even the slightest change.
This survey is 12 questions long and should take you no longer than five minutes to complete. We know you’re busy, we won’t keep you.
We’re a little restricted by the limited number of options we can attach to each question so if your opinion doesn’t really fit any of the suggested answers, feel free to use the comment section below to make your point. We want to hear as much feedback as possible so don’t be shy. You can also email your comments to and we’ll receive them there.
Enjoyable on the whole as drogs fans are starved off coverage tbh. The drogheda independent is OK but the club needs to up its game in comparison to other clubs when it comes to interviews etc
Overall I think you’re doing a great job Barry and I love all the content. I also love the audio content especially after a game. Would be great to see a few video podcasts.
Keep up the good work and hopefully we’ll have more to shout about this year.